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Friday, July 8, 2011

Playlist 1.0

Oasis - Dont look back in anger
Radiohead - weird fishes
Damien Rice - cold water
Explosions in the Sky - your hand in mine
Bon Iver - Blood bank
Bloc Party - blue light
Hello Goodbye - Two weeks in Hawaii
My Morning Jacket - Wordless Chorus
LCD Soundsystem - All my friends
Minus the Bear - Pachuca Sunrise 
Oasis - She's Electric

What's the Story (morning glory)

The Blog Inspired By Reappearance 

It seems to me that there are some people in our lives that will always show up at the worst of times. This does not particularly mean that you do not miss them or want to see them, but the fact of the matter is that your life was working quite well without them. Yes, I am talking about you two. I know that you will always be there, and it is reassuring to know that, but god damn you always seem to leave me in shambles and the first time that I am happy since, you stumble on into my life to cause more mischief. 

Why now? you think that seeing you with someone else will make me miss you? well you are right. But it also reminds me of how immature and childish you were. It does not make me want to get back in touch with you, actually it kind of makes me want to do the opposite hence why I have blocked you on facebook and regected your phone number. Yet somehow you can still get ahold of me. Fuck technology. I dont want you in my life right now sir, because for once I am happy... for once I have found an actual genuinely great guy who I deserve and who will always treat me right. For once i havent gone for a cocky insecure and immature fellow. And it feels quite nice, yes yep I kinda love it. 

And this amazingly genuine guy may just be the guy for me. Dont realize what you've got until its gone... that's how the saying goes right? Im smart enough to have chosen someone who actually respects and cares for me. Weird how you thought you were the best I'd ever have. 

And as for you trying to get in touch with me all of a sudden now that I am truly unavailable - you should stop trying because I have finally moved on. 

Even though this entry may state the opposite...
It was nice at least to get it off of my shoulders. 

Goodbye for never mister. 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

;; one missed call

Udoubtedly from you...

who are always there
who understand me
who can fix me

But I didnt answer. I hope thats ok.
It's just one of those days I guess
Or rather,
One of those weeks.

My sincere apologies

Saturday, January 29, 2011


The raindrops in my background describe my day perfectly.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Life - in a nutshell

The blog inspired by change

'Life is full of choices', but isn't 'change inevitable'? Sometimes it's tough to think about the future... that is most certainly why I do not. But lately the future seems to continue to creep up on me, and some decisions must be made.

I would like to say that highschool is hard -  and I am sure I would not stand alone there, but is life - the real world not way more demanding and stressful? I can cry all I want about my 85% average, or my lack of time, or my sleepy social life, but all those things combined will not amount to the gravity of the decisions I have to make next. Change is inevitable. I can't forget that. I don't think Im ready for this much change though....

I had planned to go immediately to university next year, but stay in my hometown as to not worry about finances while Im still a teen. I want to go to Calgary now. I know, I know, Rachael's being a drama queen. But it is a real big step for me, and I don't think many people understand - not even some of my close friends do. If When I go everything is going to change. I feel that I need to, however. As a form of self discovery... self sufficiency... and mostly just to see if I can do it on my own. Life, that is.

Go Dinos?

I guess I can really narrow it down to my concerns. Family is a real issue. I can't say I always get along with my family, but they are without a doubt my biggest support system in school and life. What would I do without them there? What if the heater breaks down? I can't just call up daddy to help me out! Friends... well a good chunk of mine are going away. And I have one of my closest friends in Calgary... maybe it's perfect? But at the same time, am I ready to be away from everyone I have grown up with? Boyfriend. Boyfriend, boyfriend. Do people last when they try the long distance thing? Will he be missing out if he's just worrying about me?...will I be? My Job is amazing. Flawless. what if I dont find another like that? ...I can come back in the summers though. Kelowna - your beautiful summers, and your warm ish winters. Will I become a popsicle in Alberta?

Will I make it out there, or transfer back home, head hung...defeated by the 'big city'?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

;; how many open houses are there in december?!

;; Reminiscing is fun!

So I stumbled upon something today while I read over my old facebook notes...
Thought you might like it.

type your 25 random things, tag 25 people then click publish.

FEBRUARY 15, 2009

1;; I am seriously immune to all major illnesses This is completely false now
2;; I hook on to phrases really quickly, and will use them shamelessly for weeks on end until I find a better one. Currently mine is "word" and "it happens to the best of us"
3;; I hate silence. Always need to be talking or have music playing. its a rare occurence to see me without my ipod. I dont have a download system now, so I only rock out when my boyfriend updates my pod.
4;; 5 is my jersey and has been my whole life. Si sinor! Tis for indoor soccer right meow
5;; I like to think I can read people and their intentions really well.... but sometimes I am waaay off Latley Im doing pretty good at this ...
6;; Im really embarassed that I have no clue what I want to do after highschool. Anthropology - Bachelor of arts. I am applying to UBCO, UVic, Queens, U of C, and Dalhousie.
7;; when I really like someone I can't stop shivering when Im around them Thank the lord I have learned how to control this trait. Hahah I am still perpetually cold though.
8;; Its really difficult for me to stay mad at people, and sometimes I forgive people when they don't deserve it You betcha.
9;; I eat ranch dressing on absolutely everything I just drained the last bottle in my fridge on some bacon... I know that sounds weird but try it.
10;; Im a real bad liar Sooo I pretty much get in trouble for everything I do wrong. Which is probably a good thing in the long run...
11;; dr. pepper is probably the best drink ever invented !!!!!!! YUM
12;; Summer is it. best two months of the year I really love christmas break too though
13;; turquoise is my favourite colour If I could have my way I would be driving a turquoise mini cooper right now. Those are my two favouritest things right now, besides my huge cat :)
14;; when I get passionate about something, I can't get it off my mind and spend all my time tryingto accomplish it. ... my motivation is fading with the school overload though 
15;; I really can't handle horror movies, yet I continue to watch them defs dont continue to watch them hahah.
16;; I have played almost every sport imaginable word.
17;; I have no time for girls who are two-faced yeeeps. Thats the way i roll.
18;; I love high stress situations, and can't help but to take control So true.19;; I want to go skydiving next year I looked into it but you have to show ID to sign the waiver. blaahh damn specifics.
20;; I love eyeshaow but I tend to wear too much. Im pretty much au natural these days... make ups too much work .
21;; volleyball is my sport.. but I would rather spend my days reading YEAH! like 'Eft for dead' and 'Sense and Sensibility' which I am both reading right now :)
22;; when I was younger I got a rusty screw through my head.. still have a scar yes siree
23;; I love English and find shakespeare absolutely amazing. We're studying Hamlet this year, but a midsummer night's dream was my all time favourite.
24;; I love my brother more than anything in the world, and I don't know what I'd do without him Never been more true. We are best friends
25;; I am way too excited to drive well my car's on storage insurance right now... sooooo Im not really on the road. Im terrified to drive in the winter.
Wild right?
I know.

Time for the next open house!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

;; Pre open house banter

Surprise, Surprise

The blog inspired by the sweet little surprises in life

Just now I had one of the most pleasant surprises that I have had in days. If you were unawares, I have not been blogging in quite some time... And when I do the quality is a tad dreary. But my day has just been brightened by a lovely stat.

As of today my blog has reached readers further away than I could have ever imagined.

Hello to Canada, United States, New Zealand, Malaysia, Germany and the United Kingdom

I am beyond flattered that you have taken time to read my blog :)

For my close friends, you have all heard this before...
I am trying to get rid of my cell phone. It is an addiction of sorts, and I have established that it is rather unhealthy for me to continue to use it at the rate I am right now. Sad story, I legitly (new word) just stopped writing so I could answer a text....if that does not showcase my addiction, I don't know what else will. But since I am on the topic of surprises today, I received a wonderful suprise in my inbox today. Now, I may stand alone in saying this, but for me there are just some of your friends that you never think to text. You make friendly small talk at school and parties, but to send them a text just seems... pointless. What would you talk about? But this morning I turned on my phone to two separate texts from two completely different people that I have never received a message from before! It was... luxurious! Like the luxury lane Cramer painted on the highway on Seinfeld. I felt so flattered! so I carried on to talk with both of these people about how much their texts brightened my day, and how I was flattered that they'd think of me. And they BOTH replied that they felt the same way I did, but they decided to 'break the seal' per say, and it worked out great :) sooo Cheers to not being able to ignore my phone!

Another great surprise! Not as recent however...
My boyfriend and I played baseball together when we were 8! Small world right?
Im first row - third from the right, he's second row - second from the right
top team in the city evidently

Well Im off to the boy's for a Christmas open house!
Get ready for Rach's week long catch up post coming tomorrow!

Cheers slash nighty night :)