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Sunday, December 19, 2010

;; how many open houses are there in december?!

;; Reminiscing is fun!

So I stumbled upon something today while I read over my old facebook notes...
Thought you might like it.

type your 25 random things, tag 25 people then click publish.

FEBRUARY 15, 2009

1;; I am seriously immune to all major illnesses This is completely false now
2;; I hook on to phrases really quickly, and will use them shamelessly for weeks on end until I find a better one. Currently mine is "word" and "it happens to the best of us"
3;; I hate silence. Always need to be talking or have music playing. its a rare occurence to see me without my ipod. I dont have a download system now, so I only rock out when my boyfriend updates my pod.
4;; 5 is my jersey and has been my whole life. Si sinor! Tis for indoor soccer right meow
5;; I like to think I can read people and their intentions really well.... but sometimes I am waaay off Latley Im doing pretty good at this ...
6;; Im really embarassed that I have no clue what I want to do after highschool. Anthropology - Bachelor of arts. I am applying to UBCO, UVic, Queens, U of C, and Dalhousie.
7;; when I really like someone I can't stop shivering when Im around them Thank the lord I have learned how to control this trait. Hahah I am still perpetually cold though.
8;; Its really difficult for me to stay mad at people, and sometimes I forgive people when they don't deserve it You betcha.
9;; I eat ranch dressing on absolutely everything I just drained the last bottle in my fridge on some bacon... I know that sounds weird but try it.
10;; Im a real bad liar Sooo I pretty much get in trouble for everything I do wrong. Which is probably a good thing in the long run...
11;; dr. pepper is probably the best drink ever invented !!!!!!! YUM
12;; Summer is it. best two months of the year I really love christmas break too though
13;; turquoise is my favourite colour If I could have my way I would be driving a turquoise mini cooper right now. Those are my two favouritest things right now, besides my huge cat :)
14;; when I get passionate about something, I can't get it off my mind and spend all my time tryingto accomplish it. ... my motivation is fading with the school overload though 
15;; I really can't handle horror movies, yet I continue to watch them defs dont continue to watch them hahah.
16;; I have played almost every sport imaginable word.
17;; I have no time for girls who are two-faced yeeeps. Thats the way i roll.
18;; I love high stress situations, and can't help but to take control So true.19;; I want to go skydiving next year I looked into it but you have to show ID to sign the waiver. blaahh damn specifics.
20;; I love eyeshaow but I tend to wear too much. Im pretty much au natural these days... make ups too much work .
21;; volleyball is my sport.. but I would rather spend my days reading YEAH! like 'Eft for dead' and 'Sense and Sensibility' which I am both reading right now :)
22;; when I was younger I got a rusty screw through my head.. still have a scar yes siree
23;; I love English and find shakespeare absolutely amazing. We're studying Hamlet this year, but a midsummer night's dream was my all time favourite.
24;; I love my brother more than anything in the world, and I don't know what I'd do without him Never been more true. We are best friends
25;; I am way too excited to drive well my car's on storage insurance right now... sooooo Im not really on the road. Im terrified to drive in the winter.
Wild right?
I know.

Time for the next open house!

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