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Saturday, December 18, 2010

;; Pre open house banter

Surprise, Surprise

The blog inspired by the sweet little surprises in life

Just now I had one of the most pleasant surprises that I have had in days. If you were unawares, I have not been blogging in quite some time... And when I do the quality is a tad dreary. But my day has just been brightened by a lovely stat.

As of today my blog has reached readers further away than I could have ever imagined.

Hello to Canada, United States, New Zealand, Malaysia, Germany and the United Kingdom

I am beyond flattered that you have taken time to read my blog :)

For my close friends, you have all heard this before...
I am trying to get rid of my cell phone. It is an addiction of sorts, and I have established that it is rather unhealthy for me to continue to use it at the rate I am right now. Sad story, I legitly (new word) just stopped writing so I could answer a text....if that does not showcase my addiction, I don't know what else will. But since I am on the topic of surprises today, I received a wonderful suprise in my inbox today. Now, I may stand alone in saying this, but for me there are just some of your friends that you never think to text. You make friendly small talk at school and parties, but to send them a text just seems... pointless. What would you talk about? But this morning I turned on my phone to two separate texts from two completely different people that I have never received a message from before! It was... luxurious! Like the luxury lane Cramer painted on the highway on Seinfeld. I felt so flattered! so I carried on to talk with both of these people about how much their texts brightened my day, and how I was flattered that they'd think of me. And they BOTH replied that they felt the same way I did, but they decided to 'break the seal' per say, and it worked out great :) sooo Cheers to not being able to ignore my phone!

Another great surprise! Not as recent however...
My boyfriend and I played baseball together when we were 8! Small world right?
Im first row - third from the right, he's second row - second from the right
top team in the city evidently

Well Im off to the boy's for a Christmas open house!
Get ready for Rach's week long catch up post coming tomorrow!

Cheers slash nighty night :)