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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

the Procrastination Piece

~* The Procrastination Piece *~

Today's blog is inspired by the art of procrastination

I feel overwhelmed with my To Do list. And how do I solve said problem? I like to think it's pretty self explanatory.... Plenty of things to do, how about I blog! Ha ha! Needless to say, my methods of stress relief may seem counter productive, but in all honesty I truly believe that once I get my thoughts out my brain will be nice and clear to fill with all of those tedious To Do's.

Let's begin with my first and most guilty procrastination. I have yet to buy slash wear a poppy. I realise that most students at my school find the assembly painstakingly boring, and also tend to skip it, however, I could never bring myself to do such a thing. I have my opinions, and try not to preach them but this makes me so sad. All of the things our soldiers sacrificed for us, and we cannot even attend a one hour assembly? Yes guys, it is cold and miserable outside. This assembly has been happening since the beginning of your school careers... BRING A JACKET. Once it is done and over with, you get to come right back into the toasty warm school and enjoy the rest of your day. I may not have a poppy as of this morning, but I will tell you one thing. I will track one down and wear it proudly at that assembly this afternoon.

Lest we forget

Now on to my second procrastination, the fashion show. Yes, the fashion show. I happen to have volunteered to organize a certain Grad Fashion Show for my high school this coming January. I figured that since it is scheduled for after the winter holidays, I would have plenty of time to organize it all during my time off school... I was sorrily mistaken. There are soooo many more things to do than I thought, and so much to decide on this week even!
Through my blog I will keep you posted on my progress, and please comment with any ideas to help slash improve the Fashion Show in any way :)

Please let me create something this successful! :)

I've accomplished SWEET TWEET folks, and I'm starting to worry a wee bit.
I have confirmed a venue, date, and ONE store to donate clothes...

Things I must figure out this week:

- How many, if any parents are willing to volunteer to help
- How many models we are allowed, and get them signed up
- Should we have a theme? And if so, what should it be?
- Which stores will participate, and how many clothes they will donate
- Get stores on board to donate items for door prizes

I have a few things to do, to say the least.

Finally, I would like to conclude my TO DO rant with one final thing... the dreaded Christmas shopping. Yes, ladies and gentlement, I do agree that christmas is

The most wonderful time of the year

But the whole concept of shopping is a little nerve racking for me.

Is it because I don't know what to get?

Because I have not got two cents to rub together?

Because I want it to be special?

Most definitely because I want it to be special... but more than that I want it to be remembered. Its some steep criteria I've created for myself.

Anyways, back to work. Ciao for now!


  1. Love it. I love the entire concept of your blog as well! What a brilliant idea.
    Good for you for speaking up about the assembly, I feel the exact same way. They DIED for us, and yet our generation of brats deem it "too cold" to stand for an hour. Give me a break. I wish the rest of your school was as mature as you.

    And as for fashion show, you DEFS need to have a theme. It will make it so much easier to plan, and so much fun. We did Greek last year, which was a brilliant idea but in my opinion wasn't carried out as well as it could have. I planned Semi Formal and stressed about it for months, it is a big job to be a part of Grad Council. So good for you again!

    Good luck with that to do list, I am currently working on cloning, so I will let you know if I am successful!

  2. My beautiful niece Rachael! How wonderful it is to be able to read your writings from the comfort of my home! You truly are an amazing young lady, and I enjoyed every word; every comment; every thought and most specificaly how you chastised the younger generation for blowing off something as important as the Remembrance Day Assemblies at the schools! Good for you! I wish you much success with the upcoming Fashion could it not succeed with your planning/organizational skills behind it all?! Lots of Luv...Auntie J.

  3. Thanks Auntie Jen :)
    And thanks TY!
    I'm glad you two are on board with the remembrance day rant because there are too many of my friends that arent. Makes me sad, really.
    Im so glad you enjoy my blog :) :)
    Love Rach!
