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Monday, November 22, 2010

J'adore la Neige!

It's beginning to look a lot like Chrismas
le blog inspiré par le saison d'hiver....

Brrrr ... according to le weather network right meow we are sitting at
       - 11 C
                                            And Light snow

& I am bundled up nice and cosy and absolutely loving it! I honestly thought that I would have to re-diagnose myself with SAD but this winter I am in a snowy heaven!! Oui Oui, c'est vrai!

It has been a long time since I last blogged, and I feel like there are just heaps of updates to share!

So I would like to being with my weekend of luuurrv. Yes, I am a giant cheeseball when it comes to relationshippy stuff, but sometimes its hard not to be! Fortunately for me I was basking in cheesy lurrrvness all weekend long. From cooking breakfast, to late night movie dates, from first-snow snowball fights, to mint mochas by the fireside, me and my boyfriend were on the rack of lurrv for sure.
PS I have a boyfriend who I feel like I may not have blogged about yet, (which seems odd now considering our level of cheese and whatnot) and he is amazing and gorgeous and supportive and la perfection for moi indeed.

Yes, we did have a fall photo shoot (His idea I swear)

Sometimes, only sometimes I feel like I should shout from the rooftops how crazy I am about him. Usually a daily though actually...

Ah! So also, le super duper planning part of my brain (in collaboration with that of my newly reunited friendsy Ally) have come up with le plan of doing a little evening of fun!


So here's the plan... we get a bunch of friends together right? Split em up into teams (3 - each with a DD cuz were safety first-ing it) and then see who can complete the most dares in the time given! Bamalam! So there's no set dares quite yet, but some ideas here if your thinking of organising one yourself:

  • Go garbage bagging through steep streets
  • Pay for mix all in pennies
  • Film a fashion show in Walmart
  • Go Christmas carolling
  • TP someone's car
  • Start a snowball fight with strangers
  • Get a pizza delivered to a non-competing friend's house
  • Get a condom from a stranger
  • Make funny phrases from the letters of a store's sign
  • Get a number of someone of the same sex
  • In a store, shout "Im going commando!"
  • Buy 2 cans of baby food and get the two most drunk members of your team to have a chugging competition
  • Completely swap outfits with someone on your team
  • Eat brown snow
  • Sing at a drive-thru
  • Get a stranger to gift wrap you
  • Make a human pyramid
  • Crash a party
  • One team member must wear a toilet paper turban all night
  • Propose to a stranger
And Tadaa! This is what we will be doing with all of our besties - they've gotten pretty competitive in the past and its been heaps of fun. Everything must be photo documented, and we share all the evidence back at someone's house afterwards. Tis a great way to beat the winter bordom for sure!


We now have all of our models.... all 28 boys and 39 GIRLS. Kay sweet didn't think that through! So now we gotta work on confirming all the clothing donations, AND possibly cutting back on girls??

Ahem all I am going to say is That's what you silly girls get for signing up all of your buddies! The guys understood! Sign up for yourself, and you'll be set.... the girls that showed up at my booth and signed up 8 of their closest friends (you know who you are) are now making us have to cut girls :( :( booo Don't quite know how to solve that one without starting a brawl.

As for theme, its looking like we're going to go with White Out where all the decorations and chairs ect are going to be white, and then the models will be in super BAM bright outfits. Not too sure if I'm sold on it, but we may be able to rock it :)


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